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          I have been playing videos games since as long as I can remember. From the first ever system I owned which was the super nintendo until now having the ps4 and xbox one s. Lets not mention how far technology has come for instance VR head sets. I also wondered how was the sounds is games put there so perfectly. at times I would play a game and hear that the sound was a bit late of to early. This project has opened up a door for me that I will not close. Adding audio assets to games is just amazing. From recording the audio on to my h5 handy recorder, to inputting them into protools. Using different inputs to manipulate the sounds to create new sounds.

           These sounds can be used for various things in a game. being a foley artist behind the scenes is actually a big job. No FOLEY NO SOUNDS. Just like a picture says a thousands words, so does a video game with no audio. I have learned how to imagine what ai think the level or object or even the action in the game should sounds like. Using Wwise is a very interested software. Learning how to use it and input the sound in the correct placement I then was able to create sounds for a game. I have learned how to create seamless loops for ambience sounds.  Stretching these sounds out with varispeed to keep its original sounds just making it shorter or longer. Sound design is a bit complicated but amazing. I have learned how to manipulate sounds and turn them into something different. 

             There are three main aspects that  exemplifies my work. One being able to record house hold sounds on my h5 handy recorder. The powerful recorder gave me the ability to record what ever I wanted, Then upload the sounds onto my computer for use. The second aspect be able to look at a silent game and realize which sound should be where, and also how it should sound. The third aspect is creating the sounds in protools. Who would have thought that hair clippers had the ability to sound like a planets ambience. I learned how to  I smooth out the rough edges by using a reverb. I increased the decay by 59.5 seconds. I then used varispeed to slow it down. The audio went from low to high, so I used a reverse on it and added reverb once more. This evened out the sound on both ends. Copied the asset twice, committed the center region for a seamless loop, and deleted the left and the right side. The client has realized that this asset had clicking while it was looping so I redid the asset to remove all clicking.


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